Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grace Living: Matthew 5:38-48

The law gave room for (eye for eye) personal retribution equal to the offense but Jesus raises the standard. If someone slaps you on the right cheek give them the other. This was a back handed slap which was considered a deep insult. Which for us would be insults of various kinds and He encourages us to take it and not respond. If someone sues you for your tunic (shirt) give them your cloak (coat) as well, simply being a peacemaker. The Roman law required a Jew that if requested by a Roman soldier, that they had to carry his pack for a mile. Jesus challenges them to go an extra mile displaying a disciple of Christ. So what does that look like?

Loving your enemy, which is a pretty tall order. Let's continue with that for a moment.

Just imagine how your relationship with your enemies would be if you loved them, if you blessed them, if you did good for them, and if you prayed for them. That would be one unique relationship. The funny thing is, your heart would begin to turn toward them. This is a behavior of a citizen of the Kingdom of God.

A lofty expectation at first glance, but consider that Christ first loved us who were his enemies and realize that it is His Spirit that enables you to do as He did.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very hard thing for any man or women to do, we are human, that’s way we seek God in all things, this way it can be possible to try!

    Your heart will change!
    and One day there heart will change about you!

    stacy McArthur
